Subject Verb Agreement Someone

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental rule in the English language that ensures clarity and accuracy in communication. It is essential to understand and use it correctly, especially when discussing someone as the subject of a sentence.

When you refer to someone as the subject of a sentence, it is crucial to ensure that the verb agrees with the number of the subject. In other words, the verb must change according to whether the subject is singular or plural.

For example, if the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular. If the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. It is important to keep this in mind when writing, as improper subject-verb agreement can cause confusion to the reader.

Let`s take a closer look at this concept with the example sentence: “Someone is coming to the party” and “Some people are coming to the party.”

In the first sentence, “Someone” is the subject, and it is singular. Therefore, the verb “is” agrees with the singular subject. In the second sentence, “Some people” is the subject, and it is plural. Therefore, the verb “are” agrees with the plural subject.

It is also important to note that certain pronouns can cause confusion when it comes to subject-verb agreement. For example, the pronoun “they” can refer to either a singular or plural subject, depending on the context. In such cases, it is essential to use context clues to determine the subject and choose the appropriate verb.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial concept to master in the English language, especially when referring to someone as the subject of a sentence. Ensure that the verb aligns with the number of the subject, whether it is singular or plural. With this in mind, your writing will be clearer and more accurate, making it much easier for your readers to understand your message.